List of palindrome words
The following list of words are character-unit palindromes. They each read the same forwards as backwards, character for character, without any punctuation or capitalization changes.
Palindrome Etymology
Palindrome comes from the Ancient Greek παλίνδρομος (palíndromos, “running back again”), from πάλιν (pálin, “back again”) + δρόμος (drómos, “running”)
Long Palindrome words
9 Letter Palindromes
7 Letter Palindromes
6 Letter Palindromes
- denned
- finnif
- hajjah
- hattah
- mallam
- marram
- nannan
- pullup
- redder
- retter
- revver
- sannas
- sesses
- succus
- tallat
- terret
5 Letter Palindromes
- alula
- arara
- carac
- civic
- deked
- dered
- dewed
- dioid
- dixid
- eirie
- enone
- enyne
- finif
- irori
- kaiak
- kayak
- lemel
- level
- lysyl
- madam
- maqam
- melem
- minim
- mmhmm
- neven
- nisin
- radar
- refer
- rever
- rotor
- sagas
- seles
- semes
- senes
- seres
- sexes
- shahs
- sokos
- solos
- stats
- stets
- stots
- sulus
- tenet
- teret
4 Letter Palindromes
- abba
- amma
- anna
- atta
- boob
- daad
- deed
- dood
- egge
- goog
- keek
- kook
- lool
- meem
- mmmm
- naan
- noon
- oppo
- otto
- peep
- poop
- sees
- teet
- toot
- waaw
3 Letter Palindromes
- aba
- aga
- aha
- aia
- ala
- ama
- ana
- ara
- aya
- aza
- bab
- bib
- bob
- bub
- cyc
- dad
- did
- dnd
- dud
- dyd
- eke
- eme
- ere
- ese
- eve
- ewe
- eye
- gag
- geg
- gig
- gog
- gsg
- gtg
- hah
- heh
- hph
- huh
- ipi
- iwi
- kak
- lil
- lol
- lul
- mam
- mcm
- mem
- mhm
- mmm
- mom
- mum
- nan
- nen
- nin
- non
- nrn
- nun
- ogo
- oho
- ono
- ooo
- oxo
- pap
- pep
- pip
- pop
- pup
- sss
- sus
- sys
- tat
- tit
- tot
- tut
- txt
- uhu
- ulu
- umu
- usu
- utu
- vav
- waw
- wow
- yay
- yey
- zuz
- zzz