squit - What does it mean?
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Definition of 'squit'English
Etymology 1
(derogatory|informal|countable) A person of low status.
* 1989 , Richard Curtis and Ben Elton, Blackadder Goes Forth (episode "Goodbyeee"):
- Not a favourite son, of course — Lord, no! — more a sort of illegitimate backstairs sort of sprog, you know: a sort of spotty squit that nobody really likes.
(Norfolk|uncountable) Nonsense; amusing stories.
Etymology 2
Short for server quit .
(internet) To disconnect (an IRC server) from a network.
* 1994 , "Bernhard Lorenz", ChanOp for Irc Opers'' (on newsgroup ''alt.irc )
- these problems solved themselves atfter(SIC) some 10 minutes or so, without an ircop interferring(SIC) into channel affairs by squitting his/her server to gain chanop status.
* 1996 , "Jesse", A warning to all irc users'' (on newsgroup ''alt.irc )
- Today, I was awakened by a call from one of my IRC ops, telling me that my net had been 'taken over'. An ircop had squitted all the servers, and had a script that kept them disconnected from the net.
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