scoot - What does it mean?
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Definition of 'scoot'English
( en-noun)
(slang) A dollar.
(slang) a scooter.
:I got a new scoot yesterday. It's a Gamma.
( en-verb)
(split) To walk fast; to go quickly; to run away hastily.
- They scooted over to the window.
To ride on a .
(of an animal) To move with the forelegs while sitting, so that the floor rubs against its rear end.
- The dog was scooting all over our new carpet.
Derived terms
* scoot over
Similar to 'scoot'shit, sweet, shat, shoot, shot, shut, suit, sweat, sheet, seat, scat, skeet, scout, sett, shout, squat, soot, swot, suet, scot, swat, skit, shoat, sceat, schuyt, sheat, scut, shet, sout, sket, squit, skout, scoat, scatt, shott