whit - What does it mean?
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Definition of 'whit'English
( en-noun)
The smallest part or particle imaginable; an iota.
- He worked tirelessly to collect and wind a ball of string eight feet around, and it matters not one whit .
* 1602 : (William Shakespeare), , act V scene 2
- Not a whit .
* 1917 , Incident by
- Now I was eight and very small, \ And he was no whit bigger \ And so I smiled, but he poked out \ His tongue, and called me, 'Nigger.'
* (smallest part imaginable) bit, iota, jot, scrap
* See also .
Similar to 'whit'what, wet, wat, watt, wheat, wit, wait, whet, woot, wot, weet, wut, whot, whoot, wott