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wheat - What does it mean?

Definition of 'wheat'


(wikipedia) (Triticum)


  • (countable) any of several cereal grains, of the genus Triticum , that yields flour as used in bakery.
  • (uncountable) a light brown colour, like that of wheat.
  • Adjective

  • wheaten, of a light brown colour, like that of wheat.
  • Derived terms

    (top3) * buckwheat * cracked wheat * durum wheat * hard wheat * Marquis wheat * separate the wheat from the chaff * shredded wheat * soft wheat (mid3) * starch wheat * wheat belt * wheat bread * wheat flour * wheat germ * wheat rust * wheatear * wheaten (mid3) * wheaten terrier * wheatgrass * wheatland * wheatmeal * wheatworm * whole-wheat * winter wheat (bottom)

    See also

    (top3) * aleurone * bulgur * dermatitis herpetiformis * einkorn * emmer (mid3) * farina * flour * frumentaceous * frumenty * leghorn * pani puri (mid3) * semolina * spelt * tabbouleh * udon * zein * (bottom)

    Similar to 'wheat'

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