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sweven - What does it mean?

Definition of 'sweven'



  • (label) A dream.
  • *:
  • *:The kynge with the honderd knyghtes mette a wonder dreme two nyghtes a fore the bataille / that ther blewe a grete wynde & blewe doun her castels and her townes / and after that cam a water and bare hit all awey / Alle that herd of the sweuen said / it was a token of grete batayll
  • *1885 , Sir (w) (trans.), (w) :
  • *:[The queen] went in to the Sultan and assured him that their daughter had suffered during all her wedding-night from swevens and nightmare.
  • (label) A vision.
  • *The (Golden Legend)
  • *:And then she said: Sir, hast thou seen the sweven that I have seen?
  • Anagrams
