suppawn - What does it mean?
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Definition of 'suppawn'English
( -)
(US) A porridge made from cornmeal; hasty pudding; mush.
* 1809 , , Book VI, Chapter V,
- First of all came the Van Brummels, who inhabit the pleasant borders of the Bronx: these were short fat men, wearing exceeding large trunk-breeches, and were renowned for feats of the trencher; they were the first inventors of suppawn , or mush and milk.
* 1829 July—October, The Westminster Review , Volume XI,
- In the shape of porridge'' the corn is called ''suppawn''''': Mr. Cobbett informs us, with the amusing particularity of a happy egotist, of the manner in which he feeds his family upon '''''suppawn , and other substantial meats ;.
* 1948 , Ernest Ludlow Bogart, Peacham: The Story of a Vermont Hill Town , pages 68-69 ,
- Corn was roasted or boiled on the ear ; soaked or boiled in lye and hulls removed, the whole kernels were served; it was eaten with milk as hominy, samp, or suppawn . Ground into meal, it appeared in a variety of forms, as porridge, hasty pudding, pone, and later as Indian pudding, which was cooked with molasses and was a favorite dish.
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