scythe - What does it mean?
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Definition of 'scythe'Alternative forms
* (l) (archaic)
* (l) (archaic)
( en-noun)
An instrument for mowing grass, grain, or the like, by hand, composed of a long, curving blade, with the concave edge sharped, made fast to a long handle, called a snath, which is bent into a form convenient for use.
A scythe-shaped blade attached to ancient war chariots.
To cut with a scythe; to cut off as with a scythe; to mow.
Similar to 'scythe'swede, schade, sheathe, shade, shite, settee, skate, suite, swathe, suede, soothe, shuteye, sweetie, sithee, seethe, saute, suttee, shottie, soutie, schede, seedie, scathe, skite, setae, sidhe, suade, seyde, sayde, saide, shadowe, scute, shode, saithe, shote, seede, sweete, stoae, swithe, sheete, scate, soddie, shide, sithe, sythe, shute, setee, shude, swythe, skute, sothe, sayette, scutae, satiue, skiddie