saute - What does it mean?
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Definition of 'saute'English
( en-verb)
To cook (food) using a small amount of fat in an open pan over a relatively high heat, allowing the food to brown and form a crust stopping it from sticking to the pan as it cooks.
( en-noun)
A dish prepared this way.
Similar to 'saute'stye, side, swede, schade, sate, shade, shite, scythe, settee, site, skate, suite, swathe, suede, sade, soothe, sithee, seethe, suttee, soutie, sede, schede, seedie, scathe, skite, setae, sidhe, suade, seyde, sayde, saide, scute, shode, saithe, shote, seede, sweete, stoae, swithe, sheete, scate, soddie, shide, sithe, sythe, shute, setee, shude, swythe, skute, sothe, stee, scutae, satiue