scuddle - What does it mean?
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Definition of 'scuddle'English
( scuddl)
To run hastily; to hurry; to scuttle.
*around 1900 , O. Henry,
*:Just then a girl scuddled lightly around the corner, slipped on a patch of icy snow and fell plump upon the sidewalk.
( Webster 1913)
Similar to 'scuddle'shuttle, settle, scuttle, schedule, saddle, stoolie, skittle, shithole, stelae, swaddle, swattle, shittle, scatole, soodle, stoole, suttle, skatole, situlae, stolae, sutile, setewale, steelie, setulae, shothole, skedule, scotale, skaddle, setule, scaddle, squattle, skytale, scytale, stylee