scotale - What does it mean?
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Definition of 'scotale'English
Alternative forms
* scotal
( en-noun)
(UK|legal|obsolete) The keeping of an alehouse by an officer of a forest, and drawing people to spend their money for liquor for fear of his displeasure.
( Webster 1913)
Similar to 'scotale'shuttle, settle, scuttle, schedule, saddle, stoolie, skittle, shithole, stelae, swaddle, swattle, shittle, scatole, soodle, stoole, suttle, skatole, situlae, stolae, sutile, setewale, steelie, scuddle, setulae, shothole, skedule, skaddle, setule, scaddle, squattle, skytale, scytale, stylee