reader - What does it mean?
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Definition of 'reader'English
( en-noun)
A person who reads a publication.
A person who recites literary works, usually to an audience.
A proofreader.
(chiefly|British) A university lecturer below a professor.
Any device that reads something.
- a card reader''''', ''a microfilm '''reader
A book of exercises to accompany a textbook.
A literary anthology.
A lay or minor cleric who reads lessons in a church service.
A newspaper advertisement designed to look like an news article rather than a commercial solicitation.
Derived terms
* early reader
Similar to 'reader'radar, router, rider, rather, ratter, ritter, rooter, rotor, raider, rudder, rutter, rater, redder, rother, retter, rowdier, ridder, rhetor, rioter, ruddier, ruder, rotter, reedier, rattier, readier, retear, rewater, redoer, rethor, roedeer, reddour, riotour, ruttier, reiter, ryder, rodder, reutter