putt - What does it mean?
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Definition of 'putt'English
Etymology 1
( en-noun)
(golf) The act of tapping a golf ball lightly on a putting green.
( en-verb)
(golf) To lightly strike a golf ball with a putter on (or very near) a putting green.
Related terms
* pitch and putt
* putter
* putting green
Etymology 2
Onomatopoeic, from putt-putt
( en-noun)
(onomatopoeia) A regular sound characterized by the sound of "putt putt putt putt...", such as made by some slowly stroking internal combustion engines.
(British|motorcycling|slang) A motorcycle.
( en-verb)
To make a putt sound.
(motorcycling|slang) To ride one's motorcycle, to go for a motorcycle ride.
To move along slowly.
Similar to 'putt'pit, put, pet, pot, peat, pat, pout, poet, phat, pewit, pyet, piet, pyot, piot, poot, pfft, patt, ppt, puet, pott, pht, phht, payot, phut, phot, phit, pewet