phht - What does it mean?
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Definition of 'phht'English
( en-interj)
* 1899 , Octave Mirbeau, The Torture Garden
- They don't know anything, and they're always sad, and weep! And faint for no reason, Over nothings ! Phht ! phht ! phht !
* 1986 , Timothy Findley, The telling of lies
- Phht ! he expires under the anaesthetic. What could be easier?
Similar to 'phht'pit, put, pet, pot, peat, pat, putt, pout, poet, phat, pewit, pyet, piet, pyot, piot, poot, pfft, patt, ppt, puet, pott, pht, payot, phut, phot, phit, pewet