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dal - What does it mean?

'dal' hits on the web

While 'dal' is likely a misspelling you may have been searching for a specific social media @dal profile or the tag #dal

'dal' is a common misspelling of 'del'

The correct spelling of 'del'

ends with the letters 'el'.

This incorrect spelling 'dal'

ends with the letters 'al'.

'dal' Spelling Rule

The endings '-el' and '-al' are often confused. The ending of 'del' instead of 'dal' has been determined by a mixture of which language the root word originated from (French, German, Latin, Greek, etc). The -al endings generally correspond to Latin.

Definition of 'del' not 'dal'


Etymology 1

From delta, the symbol being an inverted delta


  • (analysis) The symbol ? used to denote the gradient operator.
  • (mathematics) the symbol , in the context of a partial differential
  • Synonyms
    * atled, nabla
    See also

    Etymology 2



  • (obsolete) a part, portion
  • Etymology 3



    (Abbreviation) (head)
  • delegate
  • delegation
  • delete
  • delineavit
  • Anagrams

    * ----

    English words similar to 'dal':

    deal, duel, dual, del, dull, dl, dal, dial, dell, doll, dahl, dill, dol, diol, dhal, diel, daal, dhol, dowl