beload - What does it mean?
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Definition of 'beload'English
( en-verb)
To load up; charge; burden.
*1986 , Sir Robert Hart, Katherine Frost Bruner, John King Fairbank, Entering China's service: Robert Hart's journals, 1854-1863 :
- As for W. himself, in interpreting he always misses the important point, and in translating he avoids simplicity and aiming at scholarship and depth, he beloads the subject & makes business more difficult.
*1996 , F. Richard Hauer, Gary Anthony Lamberti, Methods in stream ecology :
- The purpose of the following exercises is to provide an understanding of the respective methodologies associated with sampling and measurement of suspended sediment concentration and beload discharge in streams.
*2007 , Luis López Bonilla, Miguel Moscoso, Gloria Platero, Progress in Industrial Mathematics at ECMI 2006 :
- We apply it to beload sediment transport problems.
Similar to 'beload'blood, behold, beheld, bleed, build, bulled, bowled, boiled, beeld, ballad, belied, belled, billed, balled, bailed, bawled, bullied, belaid, baled, blowed, bellied, blued, belayed, bullid, bioload, belaud, bield, bewield, belead, bould, beild, bolled, belid, bellid, boloed, blahed