bellied - What does it mean?
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Definition of 'bellied'English
( -)
(in combination) Having some specific type of belly.
* 1997 , Alejandro Grattan-DomÃnguez, Breaking even?
- But one guy was still yelping: a big-bellied biker, with a long, black beard that hung halfway down his bloated gut.
Derived terms
* black-bellied sandgrouse
* yellow-bellied
Similar to 'bellied'behold, beheld, bulled, bowled, boiled, ballad, belied, belled, bullhead, bewailed, billed, balled, bailed, bawled, bullied, bellowed, belaid, blowed, billowed, belayed, bullid, bioload, belaud, bewield, belead, bowelled, billhead, bullweed, beload, bolled, bluehead, bellid, boloed, blahed