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ele - What does it mean?

'ele' hits on the web

While 'ele' is likely a misspelling you may have been searching for a specific social media @ele profile or the tag #ele

'ele' is a common misspelling of 'eel'

The correct spelling of 'eel'

ends with the letters 'el'.

This incorrect spelling 'ele'

ends with the letters 'le'.

'ele' Spelling Rule

Unfortunately there is no easy rule for when to use 'el' or 'le'. The ending of 'eel' instead of 'ele' has determined by a mixture of which language the root word originated from (French, German, Latin, Greek, etc) then if it is a verb or a noun and lastly who published it in a Dictionary first. For example British and American dictionaries can vary.

Definition of 'eel' not 'ele'


(wikipedia) (Anguilliformes)


  • Any freshwater or marine fish of the order Anguilliformes, which are elongated and resemble snakes.
  • The European eel, .
  • Derived terms

    (der-top) * African eel * cutthroat eel * conger eel * duckbill eel * eelboat * eelbuck * eeler * eelfare * eelfish * eelgrass * eelish * eellike * eelpot * eelpout, eel-pout * eelskin * eelspear (der-mid) * eely * electric eel * European eel * glass eel * Japanese eel * moray eel * mud eel * sand eel * sawtooth eel * slippery as an eel * snake eel * snipe eel * spaghetti eel * thin eel * worm eel (der-bottom)

    See also

    * elver


  • To fish for eels.
  • To move with a sinuous motion like that of an eel.
  • Anagrams

    * * ----

    English words similar to 'ele':

    el, eel, ell, eale