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eel - What does it mean?

Definition of 'eel'


(wikipedia) (Anguilliformes)


  • Any freshwater or marine fish of the order Anguilliformes, which are elongated and resemble snakes.
  • The European eel, .
  • Derived terms

    (der-top) * African eel * cutthroat eel * conger eel * duckbill eel * eelboat * eelbuck * eeler * eelfare * eelfish * eelgrass * eelish * eellike * eelpot * eelpout, eel-pout * eelskin * eelspear (der-mid) * eely * electric eel * European eel * glass eel * Japanese eel * moray eel * mud eel * sand eel * sawtooth eel * slippery as an eel * snake eel * snipe eel * spaghetti eel * thin eel * worm eel (der-bottom)

    See also

    * elver


  • To fish for eels.
  • To move with a sinuous motion like that of an eel.
  • Anagrams

    * * ----

    Similar to 'eel'

    el, ell