whiles - What does it mean?
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Definition of 'whiles'English
( -)
(archaic|or|Scotland) sometimes; at times
(archaic|or|Scotland) meanwhile
* Sir Walter Scott
- the good knight whiles humming to himself the lay of some majored troubadour
( en-con)
(archaic|or|dialect) while
* 1599 , (William Shakespeare), (Much Ado About Nothing) , Act IV, Scene 1, line 217
- for it so falls out, / That what we have we prize not to the worth / Whiles' we enjoy it; but being lack'd and lost, / Why, then we rack the value, then we find / The virtue that possession would not show us / ' Whiles it was ours.
Similar to 'whiles'wellies, wales, willies, walks, wheels, wells, whales, wiles, walls, whelks, wallows, wills, woolies, willows, wails, wauls, waulks, weals, wallies, wholes, wallahs, wheals, waylays, wools, welcs, wyueles, wawls, wayless, woeless, walis, woylies, wilwes, wouls, willes, weelies, weels, whilks, wallas