turgid - What does it mean?
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Definition of 'turgid'English
( en-adj)
Distended beyond the natural state by some internal agent, especially fluid, or expansive force.
- I have a turgid limb.
(of language or style) Overly complex and difficult to understand; grandiloquent; bombastic.
* (distended beyond the natural state) bloated, distended, inflated, swelled, swollen, tumid
* (tediously pompous) bombastic, grandiose, pompous
Related terms
* turgescent
* turgidity
* turgidness
* turgor
* turgidigitation
* turgerific
* turgestion
* turgidification
Similar to 'turgid'trusted, trashed, traced, trucked, tracked, torched, tristed, tricked, trysted, triced, torqued, trussed, twerked, trekked, triaged, triacid, tierced, troaked, trowsed, tressed, torsed, tarsiid, triakid, triozid, trochid, trogid, triked, torsoed, trigged