togs - What does it mean?
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Definition of 'togs'English
( head)
(UK|plural only) Clothes.
- 1837-39 , ,
:: 'Look at his togs', Fagin!' said Charley, putting the light so close to his new jacket as nearly to set him on fire. 'Look at his ' togs ! Superfine cloth, and the heavy swell cut! Oh, my eye, what a game! And his books, too! Nothing but a gentleman, Fagin!'
(with noun qualifier|plural only) Clothes for a specific occasion or use.
- gardening togs''', swimming '''togs
A swimsuit.
* (clothes for specific occasion or use) bathers, cossie, swimmers
Similar to 'togs'this, toss, thus, tas, ties, twos, teas, tees, tags, tacks, thews, toes, thugs, tasks, tegs, twigs, twas, tugs, toys, thous, ticks, tows, tuyas, tics, twocs, tusks, thaws, taws, tyeks, tyes, tucks, tocks, taus, thees, taigs, tawks, tsks, teys, tass, teaks, txs, thas, thass, teuks, twss, tahas