tocut - What does it mean?
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Definition of 'tocut'English
Alternative forms
* (l), (l)
(obsolete) To cut to pieces; hew asunder; cut greatly.
*1490 , Caxton's Blanchardyn & Eglantine (1962) xxxviii. 141:
- The Cassydonyens..were slayne and all to-cutte and clouen.
*1578 , H. Lyte tr. R. Dodoens Niewe Herball ii. xcvi. 277:
- His leaues be ashe colour, and all to cut .
*1609 , P. Holland tr. A. Marcellinus Rom. Hist. xxv. iii. 264:
- Out went our light armed companies,..and all to cut and hacked them.
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