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tagger - What does it mean?

Definition of 'tagger'



  • One who tags.
  • * Francis Edward Abernethy, Texas Toys and Games (page 111)
  • The teacher then calls on each one of the tagged to identify his tagger . If a student cannot guess correctly, he must sit down.
  • A person who writes graffiti using his or her tag.
  • (comptheory) A component of a parser that tags words.
  • (computing) A program that adds tags for purposes of categorization, e.g. to a music collection.
  • (slang) The penis.
  • (in the plural) Sheets of tin or other plate which run below the gauge.
  • (Knight)
  • A device for removing taglocks from sheep.
  • (Knight)
  • That which is pointed like a tag.
  • * Cotton
  • hedgehogs' or porcupines' small taggers


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