Swiss - What does it mean?
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Definition of 'Swiss'English
Of, from, or pertaining to Switzerland or the Swiss people.
See also
* Alemannic
* Schweizerdeutsch
* Swiss German
A person from Switzerland or of Swiss descent.
Derived terms
( top2)
* Swiss Army knife
* Swiss Army penknife
* Swiss cheese
* Swiss dagger
( mid2)
* Swiss franc
* Swiss German
* Swiss roll
( bottom)
Similar to 'Swiss'SKUs, Shoahs, SAEs, SOHCs, SIGs, Sahos, Sues, SWAGs, SOEs, SAWs, Shiahs, Sauks, Suggs, Saws, Shias, Socs, SJWs, Sacs, Sheas, SSOs