swab - What does it mean?
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Definition of 'swab'English
( en-noun)
(medicine) a small piece of soft, absorbent material, such as gauze, used to clean wounds, apply medicine, or take samples of body fluids. Often attached to a stick or wire to aid access.
A sample taken with a swab (1).
A piece of material used for cleaning or sampling other items like musical instruments or guns.
A mop, especially on a ship.
(slang) A sailor; a swabby.
* (sailor) swabby
( swabb)
To use a swab on something, or clean something with a swab.
* |chapter=6
|title= Mr. Pratt's Patients
|passage=He had one hand on the bounce bottle—and he'd never let go of that since he got back to the table—but he had a handkerchief in the other and was swabbing his deadlights with it.}}
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