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subvert - What does it mean?

Definition of 'subvert'


Etymology 1

From (etyl) subverten, from (etyl) subvertir, from (etyl) .


  • To overturn from the foundation; to overthrow; to ruin utterly.
  • * Shakespeare
  • He razeth your cities, and subverts your towns.
  • * John Locke
  • This would subvert the principles of all knowledge.
  • To pervert, as the mind, and turn it from the truth; to corrupt; to confound.
  • A dictator stays in power only as long as he manages to subvert the will of his people.
  • To upturn convention from the foundation by undermining it (literally, to turn from beneath).
  • Derived terms
    * subversion * subversive

    Etymology 2

    , by analogy with advert.


  • An advertisement created by subvertising.
  • Synonyms
    * subvertisement