strategicness - What does it mean?
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Definition of 'strategicness'English
( -)
The characteristic of being strategic.
* 1977 , Senate Committee on Armed Services, General Stockpile Policy , p. 58:
- The stockpiles have been acquired over the years for reasons of their criticality and strategicness in relation to the national defense.
* 1991 , Linda R. Cohen, Roger G. Noll, The Technology Pork Barrel , p. 35:
- Although market structure and the concept of strategicness might affect the adequacy of R&D, neither is an unambiguous indicator.
* 1998 , James P. Byrnes, The Nature and Development of Decision Making: A Self-Regulation Model , p. 156:
- In addition, several of the school and individual risk factors suggest a general lack of strategicness on the part of adolescents who drink.
* 2006 , Hank Johnston, Paul Almeida, Latin American Social Movements , p. 108:
- I have done this by presenting a method to measure the degree of goal-orientedness and strategicness of claim.
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