staid - What does it mean?
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Definition of 'staid'English
Serious, organized, and professional; sober
* 1915 , ":
*:He wondered what had become of the boys who were his companions: they were nearly thirty now; some would be dead, but others were married and had children; they were soldiers and parsons, doctors, lawyers; they were staid men who were beginning to put youth behind them.
Always fixed in the same location; stationary
* (serious) composed, regular, sedate, steady
* (serious) fanciful, volatile, wild
Similar to 'staid'stood, stud, stead, steed, stayed, stewed, sated, setoid, stod, sted, seated, suited, shaded, sided, seeded, stowed, stied, skated, sited, skited, sooted, sodded, shited, sotted, sithed, shoded, sittid, sythed, sedded, setted