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squiffed - What does it mean?

Definition of 'squiffed'



  • (informal) intoxicated
  • *{{quote-book
  • |year=2005 |author=J. C. Morris |title=The End of Arrogance: Revised Edition |publisher=Buy Books on the web citation |isbn=0741422778 |page=133 |passage=Her hair streamed down in front of her eyes and her dress was on back to front. Totally squiffed . Leo hustled her into bed.}}
  • *{{quote-book
  • |year=1994 |author=Farley Mowat |title=Born Naked |publisher=Houghton Mifflin Books citation |isbn=0395735289 |page=74 |passage=I got all the heavy drinkers squiffed out of their minds}}


    *2005, Editors Catherine Soanes and Angus Stevenson, The Oxford Dictionary of English (revised edition) , Oxford University Press