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squee - What does it mean?

Definition of 'squee'



  • (informal) To squeal with excitement or delight.
  • * 2011 , "Spartakus", Anti-abortion terrorism nipped in the bud in Madison, WI'' (on newsgroup ''talk.abortion )
  • Meanwhile on Usenet, a couple of anti-choicers are racing to out-stupid each other, squeeing like school children over something someone said.
  • * 2012 , Male Cat Stays By Female Cat's Side In Sickness And Health , Huffington Post
  • On Tuesday, Reddit user lern41 got the Reddit community squeeing when he posted a few photos of his pet cats, Artemis and Apollo.


  • (informal) A squeal of excitement or delight.
  • * 2001', "Susan", ''I got a hamster! '''Squee !'' (on Internet newsgroup '' )
  • Usage notes

    * Mostly used on the Internet and especially associated with fangirls.


  • (informal) A cry of squee .
  • * 2008 , Dale North, JapanaTen: The top ten things anime cons could do without
  • It's just that the young female group squees seem to come at the most inopportune time. Sure enough, just about every time I'm on the phone — squee. Talking to someone important? Squee.

    Similar to 'squee'

    shoe, scye, skie, saye, shye, sowe, sawe, saie, shee, skee, swoe, seye, shehe, shie, sjoe, skweee, showie