squabness - What does it mean?
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Definition of 'squabness'English
The quality of being like a squab
*1866 , Mary Brotherton, "Karl's First Love", Temple Bar , Volume 18, Richard Bentley, page 271
*:One is a gifted maiden poetess (I am certain she is a gifted maiden poetess), whose squabness of contour, sharpness and redness of nose, and general forty-fiveness of aspect, a little mars the romantic effect of the oleanders which she loves to stick in her hair.
*1891 , "Critical Notices", The Calcutta Review , volume 183, Thomas S. Smith, page v
*:Squabness appear to be the special characteristic of early Hindu architecture; and it had affinities for the grotesque.
*1922 , Arthur Machen, Far Off Things , Martin Secker, page 43
*:I suspect it was the oddity of the shape, the extreme squabness of the volume, that first took my fancy, and then I open the pages--and I have never really closed them.
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