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spired - What does it mean?

Definition of 'spired'



  • having a spire
  • *{{quote-book|year=1894|author=John Muir|title=The Mountains of California|chapter=|edition= citation
  • |passage=Perhaps some one of the multitude excites special attention, some gigantic castle with turret and battlement, or some Gothic cathedral more abundantly spired than Milan's. }}
  • *{{quote-book|year=1922|author=Edwin Bjorkman|title=The Soul of a Child|chapter=|edition= citation
  • |passage=This was true not only of the trip on the steamer, the arrival at Enkoeping with its little old-fashioned red houses, the meeting with Mr. Swanson, the drive of thirty miles or more inland, the arrival at the sexton's house not far from a white spired church, and the introduction to a seemingly endless number of new faces, but of the whole long summer. }}

