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Definition of 'sorites'English
( sorites)
(logic|rhetoric) A series of propositions whereby each conclusion is taken as the subject of the next.
* 1760 , Laurence Sterne, The Life & Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman , Penguin 2003, p. 130:
- Why?—he would ask, making use of the sorites or syllogism of Zeno'' and ''Chrysippus without knowing it belonged to them.—Why? why are we a ruined people?—Because we are corrupted.——Whence is it, dear Sir, that we are corrupted?—Because we are needy [...] ——And wherefore, he would add,—are we needy?——From the neglect, he would answer
Derived terms
* destructive sorites
* sorites paradox
See also
* syllogism
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