soger - What does it mean?
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Definition of 'soger'English
( en-noun)
(dated) A poor or lazy hand on a sailing vessel.
* {{quote-book|1834||Two Years Before the Mast
|passage=The captain called him a " soger ," and promised to "ride him down as he would the main tack;" and when officers are once determined to "ride a man down," it is a gone case with him.}}
* {{quote-book|a. 1900|chapter=Hanging Johnny|title=Windjammers: Songs of the Great Lakes Sailors|editors=Ivan Walton et al. citation
|passage=I'd hang a lazy soger / The same as any other.}}
* {{quote-book|1902|Louis Becke|The Jalasco Brig citation
|passage=Come aft, you lazy soger , an' see what de captain has to say 'bout dis," cried Worcester, pushing the man, who still grasped his knife, before him
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