slap - What does it mean?
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Definition of 'slap'English
( en-noun)
A blow, especially one given with the open hand, or with something broad and flat.
The sound of such a blow.
(slang|uncountable) Makeup, cosmetics.
Usage notes
Especially used of blows to the face (aggressive), buttocks, and hand, frequently as a sign of reproach. Conversely, used of friendly strikes to the back, as a sign of camaraderie.
* cuff
Derived terms
* bitch-slap
* slap in the face
* pimp-slap
( slapp)
To give a slap.
- She slapped him in response to the insult.
* 1922 , (Virginia Woolf), (w, Jacob's Room) Chapter 1
- Mrs. Flanders rose, slapped her coat this side and that to get the sand off, and picked up her black parasol.
To cause something to strike soundly.
- He slapped the reins against the horse's back.
To place, to put carelessly.
- We'd better slap some fresh paint on that wall.
Derived terms
* slapper
* slap-up
* cuff
( -)
Exactly, precisely
- He tossed the file down slap in the middle of the table.
* just
* right
* slap bang
* smack dab
* (l), (l)
* (l)
* (l)
* (l)
* (l)
Similar to 'slap'sleep, sloop, slip, scalp, shlep, slop, salep, salp, skelp, swelp, sculp, salop