skinmag - What does it mean?
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Definition of 'skinmag'English
( en-noun)
* 1991 , Michael S. Kimmel, Men Confront Pornography , link :
- Nor does she stop at the basically aesthetic sense in which a bank of garish skinmag covers is violent, or the propensity of pornography to (in her tellingly prim phrase) "offend sensibility."
* 1996 , Fred Pfail, What they tell you to forget: a novella and stories , link :
- Just after getting out of college he found one like that in a skinmag he kept around a long time: long wavy brown Rossetti hair, a rainbow butterfly tattoo on her thigh, looking out smoldering from the middle of a twilight apartment
Similar to 'skinmag'saying, sewing, seeing, skiing, showing, sawing, swaying, sowing, schwing, skewing, shewing, shoeing, shying, shooing, scowing, skying, squeeing, shieing