skinhead - What does it mean?
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Definition of 'skinhead'English
( en-noun)
Someone with a shaved head.
Member of the skinhead subculture arising in late 1960s England or its diaspora, often associated with violence and white-supremacist or anti-immigrant principles.
* baldie
* boot boy
* bovver boy
* skin (short for skinhead)
* slaphead
Similar to 'skinhead'shunned, skinned, swooned, scanned, skimmed, shinned, shimmied, scammed, schemed, shimmed, shammed, sheened, shinnied, saunaed, swanned, swimmed, seamhead, skenned, squamoid, sinewed, sciaenid, sciaenoid, squinied, sonhood, skeneid, scummed, samoyed, squinnied, skeined, scumwad, scumhead