sizz - What does it mean?
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Definition of 'sizz'English
(rare|or|archaic) fizz
*{{quote-book|year=1896|author=Robert L. Taylor|title=Gov. Bob. Taylor's Tales|chapter=|edition= citation
|passage=I heard the din of happy voices in the "big house" and the sizz and songs of boiling kettles in the kitchen. }}
*{{quote-book|year=1920|author=Franklin P. Adams|title=Something Else Again|chapter=|edition= citation
|passage=Horace: Book III, Ode 13 "O fons Bandusiae, splendidior vitro----" Worthy of flowers and syrups sweet, O fountain of Bandusian onyx, To-morrow shall a goatling's bleat Mix with the sizz of thy carbonics. }}
(rare|or|archaic) To fizz