shoppe - What does it mean?
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Definition of 'shoppe'English
( en-noun)
A fanciful spelling of (shop), chiefly used in the names of businesses to give an air of old-fashionedness.
:It's called ''Ye Olde Grog Shoppe'' , but really it's the new liquor shop and it opened just last month.
Similar to 'shoppe'sieve, shape, sheave, skive, swipe, swive, shave, scope, shove, suave, shoobie, skype, syboe, shive, scopie, shippe, swabbie, scape, schappe, swyve, scuppie, soapie, scobe, saphie, shope, shife, sophie, sheepe, shappe, skeeve, swype, skywave, swape, scove, spahee, seave, skyfie, skaapie, shavee