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Definition of 'sedulous'English
( en-adj)
Diligent in application or pursuit; constant, steady, and persevering in business or in endeavors to effect an object; steadily industrious; assiduous.
* 2001 Pollan, Michael , The Botany of Desire , Random House, New York, page 135:
- With the right equipment, an indoor grower could create a utopia for his plants, an artificial habitat more perfect than any in nature, [...]. These sedulous attentions would be wasted on male plants, which are worse than useless in sinsemilla production.
* 2010 Paul Routledge , Daily Mirror , 9 March 2010 []:
- The Scots have always been a fiercely independent people, but it surprised me how far this sedulous process of separation has gone already.
* See also
Related terms
* (l)
* (l)
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