screed - What does it mean?
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Definition of 'screed'English
( en-noun)
A long discourse or harangue.
A piece of writing.
A tool, usually a long strip of wood or other material, for producing a smooth, flat surface on, for example, a concrete floor or a plaster wall.
A smooth flat layer of concrete or similar material.
*(impassioned and angry discourse) diatribe, harangue, polemic, rant, tirade
*(smooth flat layer of concrete or similar) slab
Related terms
( en-verb)
(construction|masonry) To produce a smooth flat layer of concrete or similar material.
(construction|masonry) To use a screed (tool).
* 1999 , U.S. Dept. of the Army, Concrete, masonry, and brickwork: a practical handbook , page 131
*: The sequence of the operation is: screed', vibrate, then ' screed again. If forms are in good alignment and firmly supported, and if the concrete has the correct workability,
Similar to 'screed'sheared, sword, shared, shred, shroud, shrewd, sward, shard, scared, scarred, screwed, soured, scored, seared, squared, schrod, skyward, scrod, seaward, soared, serried, shored, sherd, scried, sheered, squired, scoured, sired, shirred, skeered, sweared, sarod, shrowd, scrid, sheard, saried, scard, scaroid, scarid, shrood, sciarid, sciurid, scuirid, scurid, sauroid, soord, sirred, skirred, sored, shired