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scooter - What does it mean?

Definition of 'scooter'




  • A kick scooter.
  • A small motor-powered bicycle of similar design, also motor scooter.
  • A mobility scooter, i.e. an electric-powered scooter specially designed for disabled and/or elderly people.
  • Any of the large, black ducks of the genus Melanitta ; the scoter.
  • A type of ice yacht known at least in the state of New York, equipped with runners for travelling over ice. The body has a flat bottom and is capable of floating in the water which makes it safe to use also on thin ice.
  • Derived terms

    * air scooter * diving scooter * dog scooter * gym scooter * ice scooter * kick scooter or kickscooter * knee scooter * maxiscooter * mobility scooter * mobility scooter * motorized-scooter * motor scooter or motorscooter * push scooter or pushscooter * scootering * scooterist * sea scooter * sky scooter * square scooter * water scooter

    See also

    * (l)


    * Malay: (l)


  • To ride on a .
  • * {{quote-news|2005|October 24||Love Those Boomers|Business Week citation
  • |passage=But execs at parent company Piaggio noticed something odd as they scootered back and forth to their Manhattan offices

    Derived terms

    * scootering


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