scooter - What does it mean?
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Definition of 'scooter'Noun
( en-noun)
A kick scooter.
A small motor-powered bicycle of similar design, also motor scooter.
A mobility scooter, i.e. an electric-powered scooter specially designed for disabled and/or elderly people.
Any of the large, black ducks of the genus Melanitta ; the scoter.
A type of ice yacht known at least in the state of New York, equipped with runners for travelling over ice. The body has a flat bottom and is capable of floating in the water which makes it safe to use also on thin ice.
Derived terms
* air scooter
* diving scooter
* dog scooter
* gym scooter
* ice scooter
* kick scooter or kickscooter
* knee scooter
* maxiscooter
* mobility scooter
* mobility scooter
* motorized-scooter
* motor scooter or motorscooter
* push scooter or pushscooter
* scootering
* scooterist
* sea scooter
* sky scooter
* square scooter
* water scooter
See also
* (l)
* Malay: (l)
( en-verb)
To ride on a .
* {{quote-news|2005|October 24||Love Those Boomers|Business Week citation
|passage=But execs at parent company Piaggio noticed something odd as they scootered back and forth to their Manhattan offices
Derived terms
* scootering
Similar to 'scooter'skater, scatter, shatter, squitter, sheather, scoter, shader, squatter, sweater, skitter, shudder, shitter, shutter, shooter, sitter, saeter, sauter, suitor, sewadar, seawater, sweeter, swither, siddur, shittier, sadder, setter, shouter, swatter, seeder, soother, souter, sweatier, shadier, shoddier, seedier, seater, shedder, skidder, sootier, skiddier, skeeter, shitier, scattier, shadower, stayer, stderr, skaiter, shoutier, squidder, sheeter, swather, souther, swottier, shadder, suitour, seether, sowter, sautoir, shoder, sawder, scutter, sauder