scissor - What does it mean?
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Definition of 'scissor'English
( en-noun)
(rare) One blade on a pair of scissors.
(noun adjunct) Used in certain noun phrases to denote a thing resembling the action of scissors, as scissor kick'', ''scissor hold'' (wrestling), ''scissor jack .
Derived terms
* scissor kick
* scissor sister
* scissor tackle
* scissorbill
* scissorlike
* scissorwise
( en-verb)
To cut using, or as if using scissors.
To excise or expunge something from a text.
- The erroneous testimony was scissored from the record.
To move something like a pair of scissors, especially the legs.
- ''The runner scissored over the hurdles.
To engage in scissoring (tribadism), a sexual act in which two women intertwine their legs and rub their vulvas against each other.
(skating) To skate with one foot significantly in front of the other.
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