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Definition of 'scarp'English
( wikipedia)
( en-noun)
the steep artificial slope below a fort's parapet
(geology) a cliff at the edge of a plateau or ridge caused by erosion; the steeper side of an escarpment
* 2014, (Paul Salopek), Blessed. Cursed. Claimed. , National Geographic (December 2014)[]
- Sweating under the sun, we scale the barren eastern scarp of the Great Rift Valley (Area B), edging carefully around controversial, razor-wired Israeli settlements (Area C).
( en-verb)
(earth science|geography|transitive) to cut, scrape, erode, or otherwise make into a scarp or escarpment
- to scarp the face of a ditch or a rock
- From scarped cliff and quarried stone. — Tennyson.
- Sweep ruins from the scarped mountain. — Emerson.