satanhood - What does it mean?
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Definition of 'satanhood'English
( -)
(rare) The quality of being Satanic.
* 1973 , Carlo Suarès, The passion of Judas: a mystery play (page 16)
- When the Gospels are seen as an episode in anthropogeny, the Rabbi as a forerunner of a ripened humanity (ours being only pre-human), then Peter and Judas appear to have reached satanhood ...
* 1984 , August J. Nigro, The diagonal line: separation and reparation in American literature
- The viability of a visible sainthood posits the viability of a visible satanhood ; the Salem experience was the realization of both the cleavage dealt by the doctrine of the elect and the attenuation of charisma, now reconcentrated and expressed as an embodied defilement...
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