repromise - What does it mean?
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Definition of 'repromise'English
( en-verb)
To promise again or anew.
* 1997 , Darryl V. Landvater, ''World Class Production and Inventory Management'
- Another alternative for dealing with customers who want an earlier promise date is to repromise existing customer orders. Say, for example, that the necessary material or capacity is not available to allow a change to the Master Production Schedule. One option is to take a customer order promised in, say, Week 3 and move it to Week 6, then promise the new customer order in Week 3.
* 2010 , Giles Constable, The Abbey of Cluny
- Since there is no specific previous promise to repromise , de Vogüé proposed that it must refer to the earlier assurances by the novice that he was ready to observe the rule