recent - What does it mean?
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Definition of 'recent'English
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Having happened a short while ago.
* {{quote-magazine|year=2013|month=May-June|author= Katie L. Burke
|title= In the News
|volume=101|issue=3|page=193|magazine=( American Scientist)
|passage=Bats host many high-profile viruses that can infect humans, including severe acute respiratory syndrome and Ebola. A recent study explored the ecological variables that may contribute to bats’ propensity to harbor such zoonotic diseases by comparing them with another order of common reservoir hosts: rodents.}}
Up-to-date; not old-fashioned or dated.
Having done something a short while ago that distinguishes them as what they are called.
- The cause has several hundred recent donors.
- I met three recent graduates at the conference.
Derived terms
* recently
* recent memory
Similar to 'recent'recant, recount, resent, reagent, regent, reknit, rejoint, reagant, resiant, rousant, reknot