our - What does it mean?
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Definition of 'our'Determiner
Belonging to us.
* 2008 , Mike Knudson & Steve Wilkinson, Raymond and Graham Rule the School
- Paying no attention to Lizzy, Mrs. Gibson began calling out our names in alphabetical order.
* {{quote-magazine|year=2013|month=July-August|author= Stephen P. Lownie], [http://www.americanscientist.org/authors/detail/david-m-pelz David M. Pelz
|magazine=( American Scientist)|title= Stents to Prevent Stroke
|passage=As we age, the major arteries of our bodies frequently become thickened with plaque, a fatty material with an oatmeal-like consistency that builds up along the inner lining of blood vessels.}}
Of, from, or belonging to the nation, region, or language of the speaker.
- Thirdly, I continue to attempt to interdigitate the taxa in our flora with taxa of the remainder of the world.
(Northern England|Scotland) Used before a person's name to indicate that the person is in one's family, or is a very close friend.