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oft - What does it mean?

Definition of 'oft'



  • (chiefly|poetic|dialectal|and in combination) often; frequently; not rarely; many times.
  • An oft -told tale
  • * 1623', , Volume 4, 1778, page 45,
  • What I can do, can do no hurt to try: / Since you ?et up your re?t 'gain?t remedy: / He that of greate?t works is fini?her, / Oft does them by the weake?t mini?ter; / So holy writ in babes hath judgment ?hown, / When judges have been babes.
  • * 1819', , John Galt (biography), ''The Pophecy of Dante'', Canto the Fourth, '''1857 , ''The Complete Works of Lord Byron , Volume 1, page 403,
  • And how is it that they, the sons of fame, / Whose inspiration seems to them to shine / From high, they whom the nations oftest name, / Must pass their days in penury or pain, / Or step to grandeur through the paths of shame, / And wear a deeper brand and gaudier chain?
  • * 1902 , James H. Mulligan, In Kentucky'', quoted in 2005, Wade Hall (editor), ''The Kentucky Anthology , page 203,
  • The moonlight falls the softest / In Kentucky; / The summer days come oftest / In Kentucky;

    Usage notes

    * In widespread contemporary use in combination.


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    Similar to 'oft'

    opt, obit, obdt, oPt